Recover CPR Courses
FlexiVet Training deliver regular CPR workshops throughout Australia. Both Yvonne and Lucy became RECOVER CPR trainers in 2017. They are passionate about teaching CPR and will give you the tools to improve your knowledge and skills and improve patient outcome.
This training is for both veterinarians and veterinary nurses of all levels.
Gain the knowledge and skills to approach a CPR code with confidence
The RECOVER CPR Workshop provides attendees with the theory of Basic and Advanced Life Support and the opportunity to put the theory into practice with practical sessions on technique and resuscitation code scenarios using our Advanced Canine Critical Care Training Mannikin 'Jerry'.
The workshop is suitable for vets and vet nurses of all levels, and is approximately 4 hours in duration, depending on numbers. It can be run in practice, allowing all members of staff to be trained in the environment in which they would be running the codes for maximum benefit.
It is based on, but not accredited with, RECOVER. It provides attendees with 4 hours structured CE.
A maximum of 15 participants can attend per training session.
A workshop costs $2000 plus GST for up to 8 people, then $250 per person for each extra person.
There is a discount for multiple sessions on the same day.
Please note that these prices are for the Greater Sydney Area. For all other areas please send us an email for a quote.
Become a RECOVER Accredited RESCUER
This is suitable for vets and nurses who have completed the online RECOVER Basic +/-Advanced Life Support courses and would like to become a RECOVER Accredited CPR RESCUER..
Both Yvonne and Lucy are RECOVER accredited CPR trainers and can provide the Skills Assessment needed to become a RESCUER for two years.
We need a minimum of 4 attendees to be able to run the Skills Assessment.
Please contact us for further details.